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Green Pharmacy Conference 2017

The environmental cycle of medicines - an incentive for innovation in the human and veterinary medicine chain

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 Download the posters
(Participants only, login required.
Difficulties logging in? Contact VVM.)

Everywhere in the world we can find chemicals in our (drinking) water, the soil, our food crops and in the air. Their source: discarded and discharged medicines used for humans and animals, or to be more precise, livestock. Multi-resistant bacteria are also widely dispersed in the environment. To address the environmental cycle of pharmaceuticals and drug-resistant bacteria a change is necessary in the way we deal with these agents. Medicines, unlike pesticides, can not be easily banned or replaced. Therefore, the healthcare sector and universities are looking for solutions to this societal challenge. During this symposium concrete options for action will be presented to you. The University Medical Centre of Utrecht will demonstrate what they are doing in this area.

  For your calendar

  October 27, 2017
   09:00 - 17:00
  UMC Utrecht
  Heidelberglaan 100, 3548 CX Utrecht

  Call for posters

During the conference (student) researchers, institutes and companies are able to present their work by means of a poster display.

A presenter must be present during the poster session (the lunch break) to explain the poster to viewers.

Please follow the next instructions for the design of the poster:

  • The topic of the poster falls within the theme of the conference (Green Pharmacy).
  • Describe a project that is just finished, ongoing or near completion, not one that has yet to start.
  • The poster presents new ideas or a new application of an existing methodology in an inspiring and lively way.
  • Explain the topic clearly and provide a summary that explains the topic in short text.
  • The size of the poster has to fit on the poster board. Size poster board: 2 m high, 1 m wide.
  • The poster may contain text, figures, tables, photo's etc.
  • Letter size: title at least 96 pt; heading at least 36 pt and text at least 24 pt. Text should be readable from a distance of 1.5 m.

You can send a pdf of your (draft) poster before October 20 2017 to: Alfons Uijtewaal, tsop.[antispam].@huizeaarde.nl
The poster will be reviewed by Dr. Jaap A. Joles and Dr. Peter J. Blankestijn, UMC Utrecht.

  Sponsors & cooperating partners



Cooperating Partners

  More info


VVM section Health and Environment

Content coordination

Huize Aarde, contact: Alfons Uijtewaal, 06 43 28 91 63, tsop.[antispam].@huizeaarde.nl, also member of the VVM section Health and Environment.


Has been requested

Practical organisation:

Dutch Association for Environmental Professionals (Netwerk van Milieuprofessionals, VVM), contact: Marie Thérèse van Heijningen, 030 232 29 89, negninjiehnav.m.[antispam].@vvm.info

  Fees & registration

Early bird (until October 15):
€ 300,-- Regular participant
€ 200,-- Member VVM, WECF or HCWH
€ 200,-- Member Dutch Union of Water Boards (UvW)
€ 200,-- Member Dutch Assoc. for Phytotherapy (NVF)
€ 200,-- Member Dutch Society of Toxicology (NVT)
€ 200,-- Member Dutch Public Health Forum (NPHF)
€ 200,-- Member MVO Netwerk Zorg

€ 200,-- Employee UMC Utrecht
€ 200,-- MEDUWA-partner
€ 200,-- Triocare relation
€ 200,-- Via delta-aanpak Waterkwaliteit & Zoetwater

Regular fee (from October 16):
€ 350,-- Regular participant
€ 250,-- Member VVM, WECF or HCWH
€ 250,-- Member Dutch Union of Water Boards (UvW)
€ 250,-- Member Dutch Assoc. for Phytotherapy (NVF)
€ 250,-- Member Dutch Society of Toxicology (NVT)
€ 250,-- Member Dutch Public Health Forum (NPHF)
€ 250,-- Member MVO Netwerk Zorg

€ 250,-- Employee UMC Utrecht
€ 250,-- MEDUWA-partner
€ 250,-- Triocare relation
€ 250,-- Via delta-aanpak Waterkwaliteit & Zoetwater
€ 150,--   PhD student

€ 150,-- Discount member of VVM (retired / welfare)
€   30,-- Student (not member)
€   15,-- VVM member that studies or has recently graduated


The fine print
Prices include VAT. We check wether you are entitled to a discount. If you cancel less than a week before the start, the full participation fee must be paid. If you register less than a week before the start, we can not guarantee that you will receive all the information in time. Read more in our terms and conditions (.pdf, dutch).

For exhibitors

We offer the following exhibition possibilities:

Poster presentation:
   free  Displaying poster brings no extra costs

Regular fees:
€  500,-- Exhibition space ('stand') of 1,5 x 2 meter
€  150,-- Dipslaying one type of your organisations brochures

Fees for organisational members of VVM:
25% off the regular fees, which means:
€  375,-- Exhibition space ('stand') of 1,5 x 2 meter
€ 112,50 Dipslaying one type of your organisations brochures

For more information, please contact Marie Thérèse van Heijningen at +31 30 - 232 29 89 or negninjiehnav.m.[antispam].@vvm.info

The fine print
These prices exclude VAT and also exclude entrance tickets. For entrance, please register via our registration form. We check wether you are entiteld to a discount. Find more in our terms and conditions (.pdf, dutch).
